Rick Zacchi Most recent flash can be found in my Instagram story highlight Open Form New tattoo request Name * First Name Last Name Email * Preferred pronouns * they/them he/him she/her she/them he/them other Date of birth * ID will be required at your appointment to verify age MM DD YYYY What would you like tattooed? * Please include placement and size and an idea of what you would like. I may ask for images of specific pieces or placement references. Budget * City Chicago Los Angeles New York Detroit What days work best for you? * *Los Angeles I am only working January 5,6,8,9,12,13 Thanks for your interest in my work, please give me a few days to sort through requests, I’ll get back to you soon!Please check your spam if you don’t hear back, I do try to reply to everyone. Newsletter for travel and studio updates Email Address double check your email is correct then click inside this box and that's it you're done you've signed up for my mailing list newsletter thing thank you so much why are you still reading this? just put your email in the thing and then click somewhere inside this box come on stop reading this I have to keep typing if you're still reading. stop reading this please don't you have something better to do with your time?wtf dude go touch some grass what are you doing still reading this just put your email in and then click somewhere in thisnaosbndaodbfoiahsdoahjsdpiajspduadpsfjapdfhoaubgoanfq Thank you!